

自1901年公司成立以来, 国际空间站一直是一个以人为本的组织, working with a strong belief that great people can and do make a difference. We believe in our responsibility – to the planet, our people and the communities we serve. 我们知道,当我们把事情做好的时候, it enhances lives and makes the world work better – and that is what drives us.




作为一家拥有370名员工的全球性公司,000名员工, we have an important role to play in solving some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges. We contribute to sustainable development around three thematic areas:     

  • 人: 促进安全的工作条件和健康 & well-being, and human rights, while cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion.   
  • 地球: 减少对环境的影响, while helping our customers create sustainable workplaces through strategic advice and services.   
  • 利润: Positively influencing the global business environment by complying with sound business standards and compliance with our business integrity framework.  


We are deeply committed to the transformation to a more resilient and just international community. 我们的目标是以身作则,引领我们的行业, always aiming to positively influence the market wherever we operate. 我们关注的是如何以道德的方式对待人, 地球与利润, we invest particular effort in supporting these UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):



国际空间站 is a multicultural company and emb比赛s and encour年龄s diversity. With almost 50% women in the workforce, we have contributed significantly to empowering women. 女性在管理中的代表性, leadership development and graduate programmes has high priority and is progressing. 我们的多元化政策不断取得成效, with more initiatives to identify female candidates and promote women to more senior roles. Training programmes educate, enforce and embed policies against harassment and discrimination.


促进持续, 包容和可持续的经济增长, 充分的生产性就业和人人享有体面工作

Minimum w年龄s, the right to organise and a safe working environment are basic standards at 国际空间站. 作为一家专注于人的公司, we invest significantly in developing employees at all levels of our organisation. We take continuous action at all levels to eradicate injuries and fatalities. We have zero tolerance of forced labour, child labour, modern slavery and human trafficking
in our operations and this is strictly enforced through governance controls, including audits.



作为世界上最大的私人雇主之一, 国际空间站 provides the economic foundation for many individuals and families around the world. 我们的劳动力中有越来越多的难民, 以及有精神和身体残疾的人, 社会挑战或缺乏学术教育. We offer employees the chance to develop their skills through education programmes, 增加他们的工作和职业机会.



We aim to reduce the consumption of chemicals through our 清洁 Excellence programme, working with strategic suppliers to develop and test new tools and processes that will reduce the environmental impact. 我们专注于绿色创新项目, 例如泰华施SURE系列清洁产品. 这些都是植物性的,100%可生物降解的, designed to deliver superior results while being safe for people and kind to the environment.



国际空间站 is committed to continuously reducing any negative impact on the environment due to our operations, 我们也与客户合作
帮助他们减少自己的环境足迹. 我们在客户现场工作, meaning we gain insight into their performance and use this knowledge to help them man年龄 and reduce their impact and reach their targets. We have set a Net Zero emission target for 2040 covering all scopes.


Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, 为所有人提供诉诸司法的机会,并建立有效的司法体系, 在各级建立负责任和包容的机构

We aim to eradicate all forms of discrimination and unethical behaviour through the 国际空间站 Code of Conduct and the 全球 人 Standards. 这些政策是我们学习工具和课程的基础, including an extensive onboarding course in which all new employees are trained in our way of working and our values. 腐败和贿赂是非法的,违背了我们的价值观, and we promote the Speak Up system to allow employees to raise concerns on these matters, 匿名,不用担心报复.


Read our 2023 可持续性 Report to learn more about how we strive to take good care of our employees, 环境和我们的客户.

认识我们的人选项2 -分级

多样性 & 包容


We emb比赛 and encour年龄 diversity and inclusion in their broadest terms, 包括种族, 比赛, 年龄, 性别, 性别认同, 残疾, 性取向, 宗教信仰, 语言, 文化教育背景. Our diverse workforce is recognised as a key competitive advant年龄 and a vital asset in our long-term sustainable business success. 我们的包容性文化赋予我们的员工力量, 让我们更有创造力, 富有成效的, 作为工作场所也很有吸引力.

了解更多/职业/ your-career-at-iss /我们的文化




了解我们的行为准则是如何与我们所做的一切联系在一起的. The Speak Up policy is closely related to our ethical standards and behaviors. In line with the 国际空间站 Values and Code of Conduct, the business integrity of 国际空间站 is non-negotiable.
